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Total Quality Management TQM

TQM is one of those current "buzz word-phrases" that is on everyone's lips but very few really understand – let alone implement it in their business practice.  We at PCI are dedicated to continually bringing the highest quality product and service possible to the customer.  To do this requires a total immersion into the construction process from the design process through the "turning-of-the key" for the new owner.  Every vendor, subcontractor, employee, and even the customer must be involved in this process.  At PCI, we back our Quality with written assurances.


PCI has developed written Quality Standards that are a part of the Construction Agreement with the customer.  These Quality Standards will never be compromised.  Every employee, subcontractor, and vendor is cognizant of these standards and must strictly adhere to them accordingly.

Written Quality Standards
Written Builder Limited Warranty

The Quality Standards are backed by PCI's WRITTEN BUILDER ONE YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY  to assure the customer that the craftsmanship Quality of their new home is guaranteed in writing.  This written warranty is not just for 60 to 90 days but for the first full year after the sale is complete and warrants all workmanship and materials that are not covered by manufacturers limited warranty



Before the final closing of the construction sale and transfer of ownership to the owner, PCI will schedule and conduct a complete and thorough walk-through of your new home to demonstrate it's features and operations and to specifically note in writing any items that may require further attention.  Any such items will be corrected by PCI prior to the closing with a secondary confirmation walk-through.

Written Customer Walk-Thru
Written Request For Service

After the final closing of the sale of your new home and you have had a chance to live in it for a few days, you may observe a few items that need further attention that developed or were missed on the initial walk-through.  This is perfectly normal, as there are more that 200,000 parts to your new home.  PCI will mail or deliver to your new home within the first two weeks after the closing of the sale a CUSTOMER REQUEST FOR SERVICE form.  You will complete any items requiring builder attention and mail or deliver it to PCI.  You will receive another CRFS at about the 5th month after the sale closing and again about the 11th month just prior to the expiration or the one-year limited warranty.


One of the most prevalent problems with the customer and a new homebuilder are missed construction schedules.  This won't happen with PCI.  We will give you a written construction schedule as a part of our Construction Agreement showing you exactly when your new home will be completed and ready for occupancy.  You will be able to see the progression of the construction.  You will further see and know when decision and selections must be made by you, the customer, in order for PCI to keep the construction on schedule.  Some of these selection items may require a decision from the customer 4-6 weeks prior to the scheduled installation date.

Written Construction Schedule
Finish Schedules And
Selection Procedures

PCI will also furnish you written forms for providing written exterior and interior finish schedules.  Likewise, written forms for selection procedures and items such as lighting fixtures and bathroom trim is provided to facilitate the customer in making these selection.  The form delineates sources and showrooms, contact persons, addresses and telephones, budget allowances and model numbers, as well as date selections are needed.



PCI maintains a total flexibility to accommodate your specific custom home design centered on your individual lifestyles.  We will craft your new custom home from our custom plans, your custom plans, make modifications to our plans or yours, or create new designs customized to your individual lifestyles.  We thoroughly recognize that even the most scrutinized custom planning and design process cannot cover every detail you may want in you new home.  PCI will make field changes to original plans/designs as may be requested to optimize lifestyles.  All such changes will be done via duly executed written Change Orders (CO) to preclude any mis-communications and misunderstandings of what is to be done as well as to delineate construction schedules and/or cost changes.

Custom Build with Total Flexibility

As you can see, PCI is prepared not only to craft your new home with the highest attention to detail and Quality, but we also further back up this Quality – IN WRITING.  PCI provides the Customer Written Quality Standards and then backs them up with a PCI written one year Limited Warranty.  PCI is very proud of this dedication to TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT and we think you will be too.

As John Ruskin, the noted English author, architect, and economist wrote at the end of the 19th Century:

"It's unwise to pay too much, but it's worse to pay too little.  When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything, because the thing you bought was incapable of doing the thing it was bought to do.  The common law of business balance prohibits paying a little and getting a lot – it can't be done.  If you deal with the lowest bidder, it is well to add something for the risk you run.  And if you do that, you will have to pay for something better."

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